Schertz-Cibolo Cemetery
A Texas Historical Cemetery
Schertz, Texas
Plots may be purchased as a full size 4ft x 10ft plot or cremation plots which are 2ft x 5ft
Side-by-side plots may be purchased for couples. One marker would be used for both names to be engraved.
There is no “stacking” of burials; only side-by-side
Plots are now available in the new sections of the Cemetery.
Full size plots are available for $1500 each.
Should you have an ancestor/family member previously buried in this cemetery, the full-size plot is $750. You must be a current member of the Schertz-Cibolo Cemetery Association in order to qualify or this price.
The cremation plots are available for $400 each. These plots are 2ft x 5ft
Plots may be purchased on a pre-planned basis to reserve your space as well as for family members
Gravemarkers must be placed within six months of burial and should be flat to the ground
One is allowed to place temporary decorations at the gravesite, however, for safety and maintenance reasons, do not decorate with glass, lights or loose foam.
Any unauthorized articles placed on or around the gravesite will be removed
No additional curbing of any material is allowed
The Cemetery Bylaws and complete Rules and Regulations are available to members on request.